Creativity Boosts: The Morning Pages
Since the start of the pandemic I’ve been keeping up a routine which has been transformational.
It’s become so embedded into my life that I start to feel strange if even a few days pass without me doing it.
The practice has helped me to slow, grow, and show a lot of love to myself. It’s the best planning tool and meditation practice rolled into one, and it takes twenty minutes.
And it goes like this: every morning, I write at least three pages in my journal.
Simple as that.
I borrowed the idea from the magical book, The Artist’s Way - renowned for shaking up the creative lives of countless readers. Mine included.
Here’s the low-down:
Get a notebook.
Write three pages.
Even if it’s a running narrative of mindless thoughts, or what you’re planning to eat for breakfast - the subject is besides the point.
The point is to take some quiet reflective time for yourself, away from a screen, pen and pad.
Once you get into the habit of writing three pages, the process is effortless. Sometimes I’ll scribble out ten pages non-stop.
Writing by hand is important because it becomes a direct conversation with yourself, without the distracting pixels.
Mornings are best because they’re naturally calmer and set you up for the day, but the writing can be done any time.
What’s key is - put your phone down, find a quiet place you can be alone - and keep the time protected.
The most important part is the consistency. Showing up daily is much more important than writing anything profound. This is about prioritising your peace.
Don’t look back. Get your thoughts out, and carry on with your day.
What started as a bit of a chore, evolved into a daily self-greeting.
Two years later, the morning pages has been the foundation of a solid relationship I’ve built with myself - like a best friend. Knowing I’ve got my own back makes me feel incredibly secure in the world.
I’ve come up with my best ideas and fine-tuned my goals. I feel much more directive with my life plans (because I’m always aware of them) and make much better decisions (because I’ve carved out time in my life to mull things over.)
Sometimes I’ll work out how I feel about a relationship and identify how to move forward.
Sometimes I’ll extend the pages into a gratitude journal, or some mindful drawing and feel like an awe-inspired, doodling kid.
Sometimes I’ll work out my darker feelings on the page, rather rocking boats in my real life.
Sometimes I’ll simply plan what I’m up to for the rest of my day.
Sometimes I feel I’m not even doing the writing, and a muse is writing through me instead. I become the receiver of my own advice.
Twelve notebooks later, and I’m utterly hooked. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is something I keep up for the rest of my days. The daily grounding and intimate checking-in with myself and my goals makes me feel like I’m flowing down a river like a buoyant stick, rather than flapping around and swimming upstream like a reluctant, soggy cat.
“Let us remember: one book, one pen and one teacher can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai
Be the catalyst for your own world.
All images are my own.